Dear client, please read the following Terms and Conditions and choose an option:
1. Print, sign and bring with you when you drop your pets - For a printable copy (pdf format) click here.
2. Reply via e-mail that you accept the terms and conditions as stated below.
1. Whilst all reasonable care and precaution is taken in looking after the animal/s at Blue Mountain Kennels, it is distinctly understood that no liability is incurred by the Proprietors in respect of any loss or damage to the animal/s through sickness, escape, or from any cause whatsoever.
2. If your animals have shown signs of aggression amongst each other, it is your duty and responsibility to warn us in advance so that we can prevent possible altercations. Please be advised that Blue Mountain Kennels will not be liable for any accounts, injury or loss should your own dogs fight with each other.
3. No responsibility is taken for collars, leads, containers, etc. left at the premises.
4. It remains the responsibility of the owners to examine and satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the accommodation offered and agree that they are satisfied with such conditions. You must also ensure that you relay all medical requirements for your animals in writing upon their arrival.
5. It is understood that only dogs that are up to date with their annual and Rabies vaccinations and KENNEL COUGH VACCINATION, will be accepted at our facilities. Proof of such must be provided in advance of arrival. Accommodation for dogs can be refused if not adhered to.
6. We can supply premium dry food (Prodog Elite), Fresh frozen wet food (Doggylish), and treats.
Our preferred food suppliers:
7. Owner to supply bedding.
8. All accommodation costs must be paid in advance, and all extra costs incurred during stay must be settled before the animal/s is to be collected by the owner. Day of arrival and departure will be included in the number of accommodation days, unless collected before 8am on departure day. Pets will not be released unless full payment is received.
9. Book-in and collection times are between 9 am-12 noon and 3:30 pm - 6 pm from Mondays to Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays before 12 noon by appointment only and 3:30 pm - 5 pm, including Public Holidays, except Christmas Day and New Year's Day when we are closed to the public. We are closed daily from 12 noon – 3:30 pm. Service within these hours is by prior arrangement only and will incur a fee of R350-00 Incl Vat. No service after 6 pm..
10. The accommodation of long-term (longer than 1 month) boarders must be paid one month in advance.
11. Owners will be contacted in the event of a medical emergency. If the owners of a sick animal could not be reached, the Proprietors will take whichever action they deem appropriate to alleviate the situation. All costs incurred will be for the owners account.
Owners must leave contact names and numbers for the period for which pets will be at Blue Mountain Kennels.
12. The choice of Veterinarian will be at sole discretion of the Proprietor. All Veterinarian costs will be for the owner's account
We Require the following documents, Please bring them with, so that we can make copies for our records. You can also Fax or E-Mail to us.
- 1. Your ID, as we will need to make a copy for our records.
- 2. Copies of pet's vaccination certificates.